1. Is Sexual Health Important?
Sexual health is important in the life of everyone, regardless of gender or age. Your ability to have a happy sex life is primarily dependent on having good sexual health.
According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and World Health Organization (WHO), Sexual health is a state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being concerning sexuality.
The concept of being sexually healthy means has to do with having the following qualities;
- Good sexual education
- Respect for sexuality is something that goes beyond sexual behavior
- Respect for the sexual rights of others
- Knowing when to be concerned and seek help if necessary, and
- Being able to participate freely in sexual relationships
2. What Sexual Health Tests do I need?
To know the exact sexual health tests you need, you first need to contact a healthcare provider. While communicating with the healthcare provider, you will need to answer some questions regarding your sexual history. Don’t worry; what that’s communicated will remain confidential, so keep an open mind.
At any rate, some of the tests you will most likely need are;
- Blood tests (Both gender)
- Urine test (for men)
- Pelvic exam (for women)
- Gonorrhea (both gender)
- HIV test, etc.
3. How Often Should I get a Sexual Health Check?
Your frequency in getting health checks depends on a variety of factors; some are listed below;
- Your number of sexual partners and how frequently you have intercourse with them
- If you or your sexual partner is having sexual relationships with other people
- If you’re about to start a new relationship
- If you’ve engaged in sexual intercourse with someone without protection
- If you had sex with someone (Protected or unprotected), and you’re if they have STI or not
- If you’re feeling any unusual symptoms you believe could be STIs
However, it’s advisable to make it a yearly routine without considering all these factors, even if you’ve been single for more than half the year.
4. Can Sexual Abstinence Cause Health Problems?
Sexual abstinence has no negative health effects. The frequency of sexual intercourse will vary depending on age, sex drive, relationship status, and overall personality; there’s no maximum amount of sex one should have, and abstinence does not harm either.
5. Are Sexual Health Records Confidential?
Absolutely! Yes, sexual health records are treated as confidential information. All healthcare workers have strict confidentiality rules, and it extends to even younger people below the legal age of 18. However, in certain scenarios, health workers may need someone else’s involvement, especially if you’re in danger; in cases like these, your permission will also be required first.
6. Can Sexual Tests Be Wrong?
Yes, all sexual tests have a chance of being wrong because no test can be 100% accurate all the time. However, due to the advancement of medical instruments, an almost perfect accuracy score can be achieved, making it rare for tests to be wrong. The accuracy of tests is measured based on sensitivity and specificity. While the former is also be referred to as the true positive rate, the latter can be called the true negative rate.
7. Can I take a Sexual Health Home Test?
Yes, you can do many sexual health tests at home by yourself. Just make sure you follow the right procedures to reduce the chances of getting the wrong result. Some at-home STI and STD tests you can conduct yourself include; chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, and HIV.
8. Are Sexual Health Clinics Free?
Your access to a free sexual health clinic depends on your location. While the NHS of the United Kingdom makes available free sexual health services, the United States Health Insurance Scheme is only applicable to most STIs; anything else will require you to pay a subsidized fee.
9. Can Sexual Health Clinics Prescribe Antibiotics?
Yes, Sexual health clinics can prescribe antibiotics for a sexual health problem. Some sexual health issues that can be solved by taking antibiotics are; Chlamydia and gonorrhea.
10. Where to Get Sexual Health Check?
You can get sexual health checks in any federal or state sexual health clinic closest to you. While these are free, some private health clinics can also carry out sexual health checks with little or no cost to you.